dimanche 29 juin 2014

Nous travaillons avec des partenaires sur une solution

Ce matin nous avons eu le plaisir d’accueillir plus de 6,000 développeurs au Moscone Center de San Francisco pour la 7ème édition de notre conférence Google I/O. Nous étions avec des millions de spéctateurs via notre livestream, et via les 597 évènements I/O Extended dans plus de 90 pays et sur 6 continents. 

Nous vivons un moment passionnant, pour Google et pour toute la communnauté des développeurs. Aujourd’hui vous êtes plus d’1 milliard à utiliser un appareil Android. 1 milliard. Chaque jour vous échangez plus de 20 milliards de textos. 1500 Milliards de pas sont effectués en compagnie d’un appareil Android. Et plus important que tout, plus de 93 millions de selfies sont réalisés au quotidien.
Aujourd’hui, les développeurs ont eu un aperçu de la plus ambitieuse version d’Android, avec plus de 5,000 APIs (interfaces de programmation pour les moins geeks d’entre vous) et une nouvelle approche visuelle appelée Material Design, et nous continuons à faire évoluer la plateforme Android pour que les développeurs puissent donner vie à de nouvelles expériences mobiles encore plus belles et plus engageantes. 

Mais au delà du téléphone, nous sommes de plus en plus entourés par un grand nombre d’écrans, que ce soit au travail, à la maison, dans la voiture ou même sur notre poignet. Nous nous sommes donc demandés: comment rendre nos deux plateformes populaires - Android et Chrome - encore plus simples d'utilisation et comment  faciliter le passage d'un écran à l’autre, à partir d'un téléphone, d'une tablette, ou d'un ordinateur vers une TV, voiture, et même une montre?

La réponse a été dévoilée aujourd’hui aux participants de Google I/O. En voici les annonces les plus importantes : 

En déplacement : Android Wear et Android Auto

La plupart des gens interagissent avec leur téléphone plus de 150 fois par jours. C’est très souvent pour lire un texto, une notification, ou pour recevoir une courte information. A chaque interaction beaucoup de temps est perdu à dévérouiller, entrer un mots de passe, accéder à la bonne appli, etc... Nos mains nous seraient bien plus utiles si elles étaient libérées de ces tâches répétitives !

C’est ici qu’Android Wear fait son entrée, en prolongeant l’écosystème Android directement sur votre poignet. Vous recevez l'information qui vous est utile, visible d’un simple coup d’oeil. Dites simplement “Ok Google” pour poser une question, ou pour interagir avec la montre. Recevez une notification quand il est l’heure de partir diner. Réservez un taxi pour vous y rendre. Vérifiez l’état de la circulation. Envoyez un texto en vous installant dans la voiture. Tout ceci est là, disponible directement depuis votre poignet - une interaction simple, et disponible quand vous en avez vraiment besoin.

Aujourd’hui nous annonçons deux appareils, la LG G Watch et la Samsung Gear Live, disponibles dès à présent sur Google Play, et la Motorola Moto 360 qui sera disponible dans les prochains mois. 

Il est très simple de regarder régulièrement son poignet quand on est en déplacement. Mais qu’en est-il quand on est en voiture? Beaucoup d'entre nous restent connectés au volant - pour obtenir des itinéraires, avoir des informations sur la circulation, ou pour écouter la bonne playlist. Et ceci n’est pas pratique, et très franchement, peu prudent.

Android Auto, que nous avons présenté aujourd'hui aux développeurs, s’occupera de tout pour vous. Pour cela, il vous suffira de connecter votre telephone Android à une voiture équipée d’Android Auto, et du bout du doigt, vous aurez la possibilité d’avoir les itinéraires détaillés via Google Maps, vos chansons et playlists préférées via Google Play Music, des notifications Google Now ou encore effectuer des recherches vocales. Toutes ces fonctionnalités sont accessibles via les commandes de votre vehicule, et, plus important que tout, vous permettront de vous concentrer sur la route. Les premières voitures équipées d’Android Auto seront disponibles dans le courant de l’année.

Dans votre salon : Chromecast et Android TV

Arrivé à la maison, après une longue journée, il se peut que vous vous installiez devant la TV. L’été dernier, nous avons lancé Chromecast, une petite clé multimédia qui vous permet de profiter des vidéos accessibles sur le web, ou de votre musique directement sur votre TV. Chromecast sera mise à jour pour la rendre encore plus puissante, et plus pratique dans son utilisation, avec des fonctionnalités telles que la possibilité d’autoriser vos amis de caster sur votre TV sans pour autant être connecté sur le même réseau WiFi, ou encore de caster le contenu de l’écran de votre téléphone ou tablette android directement sur votre TV.

Et, en plus de Chromecast, Android TV vous offre toute la puissance de Google sur votre TV, pour profiter de vos jeux préférés et des application Android directement depuis votre canapé. Android TV sera intégré dans votre TV ou via des box. Vous pouvez utiliser votre smartphone comme télécommande, ou encore profiter des commandes vocales pour trouver une émission, visionner un film sur Google Play, ou un clip depuis YouTube. Et parce que le système est basé sur Android, vous pourrez jouer à vos jeux favoris, adaptés pour votre TV, avec une manette. Android TV, qui comme Chromecast est compatible avec la technologie Google Cast,  sera disponible auprès du grand public dans le courant de l’année.

Pour le prochain milliard: Android One

Toutes ces expéricences multi-écrans sont construites autour d’un smartphone et d'une simple connexion web. Mais il reste encore beaucoup de gens - des milliards en fait - qui n’ont pas accès à un smartphone. Nous souhaitons changer ceci: nous sommes donc heureux d'annoncer aujourd'hui une nouvelle initiative appelée Android One.

Nous travaillons avec des partenaires sur une solution complète pour permettre répondre aux besoins de nouvelles technologies des marchés émergeants. Android One proposera des smartphones de qualité et abordables associés à des abonnements peu honnereux. Nos partenaires lanceront à titre d’exemple plusieurs appareils Android One à moins de 100$ en Inde dès cet automne, viendront d’autres pays par la suite. Cela fait longtemps que nous nous nous demandons quel serait le potentiel si tout le monde avait accès aux technologies les plus récentes. Il est l'heure à présent de le savoir.

Designer, développer et distribuer

Android et Chrome sont des plateformes qui rendent tout cela possible, mais les produits utilisés par les développeurs pour créer leurs applications en sont le catalyseur. I/O est pour nous le moyen de leur donner un aperçu des dernières nouveautés - que cela concerne une nouvelle approche du design, de nouveaux outils de développement ou de nouvelles opportunités de distribution pour rendre ces technologies encore meilleures pour le prochain milliard d’utilisateurs.

Chers développeurs, merci pour tout, nous sommes impatients de voir ce que vous allez créer !

samedi 28 juin 2014

Watch Raging Bull (1980) Online

Free download and watch Raging Bull

Raging Bull (1980)Raging Bull (1980)
iMDB Rating: 8.3

Date Released : 19 December 1980

Genre : Biography, Drama, Sport

Stars : Robert De Niro, Cathy Moriarty, Joe Pesci, Frank Vincent

Movie Quality : HDrip

Format : MKV

Size : 870 MB

JOIN HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of satisfied members who became tired of waiting for DVDs in the mail, and now watch the hottest NEW RELEASES and CLASSICS on our site.

When Jake LaMotta steps into a boxing ring and obliterates his opponent, he's a prizefighter. But when he treats his family and friends the same way, he's a ticking time bomb, ready to go off at any moment. Though LaMotta wants his family's love, something always seems to come between them. Perhaps it's his violent bouts of paranoia and jealousy. This kind of rage helped make him a champ, but in real life, he winds up in the ring alone.

Watch Raging Bull Trailer :

Review :

There is a reason why they are referred to as the greatest....

From my understanding, before this film was made, Martin Scorsese, arguably America's greatest filmmaker, was at the end of his rope. He was about to call it quits. His good friend, arguably America's greatest film actor, Robert De Niro, approached him with a book he had read. The title of the book was Raging Bull. After some coaxing, Robert finally convinced his friend to do the film, and it resulted in a MASTERPIECE!!!!!

"Raging Bull" is the story of former boxing middleweight champion Jake La Motta, and his penchant for self-destruction. La Motta is not in the least a nice guy. He is well, a jerk, who eventually drives any and everyone who has ever cared about him out of his life. He evolved from a lean, trim boxer to an overweight loser who owns a night club.

This film currently ranks on AFI's 100 Greatest Movies at #24, and for very good reason. It contains arguably THE GREATEST acting performance in the history of cinema, by arguably the greatest actor in the history of cinema, directed by arguably the greatest director in the history of cinema. But together, nothing needs to be argued, they are the greatest tag team in the history of cinema. Robert De Niro is flawless, superb, excellent, amazing, any positive adjective is warranted by his performance. There is a reason why they call him the greatest actor. This is it. (also "Taxi Driver") Naturally, Scorsese's direction is flawless, and Thelma Schoonmaker's editing will pretty much speak for itself. The black-and-white(or tinted monochrome) was an ingenious touch, similar to William Friedkin's gunshot at the very end of "The French Connection". It is the most beautiful movie I have ever seen, if it were a woman I could only beg to drink its bathwater. Joe Pesci is excellent as Jake's brother Joey, as is Cathy Moriarty as Jake's long suffering wife. It is sad when you realize that De Niro will never act that great again, but you find solace in the fact that he once did. He is maybe my favorite actor, Scorsese maybe my favorite director, and I only hope to have a millionth of the impact they've had on film. Far superior to "Rocky", even though Rocky is very good and contains maybe the most inspirational theme song ever.

This film was criminally robbed of 1980's Best Picture and Best Director Academy Awards, by "Ordinary People", another one of those dysfunctional family drama's. The Academy has since lost a huge amount of credibility, but I find solace in the fact that they honored De Niro with an award for Best Actor, in a performance that warrants two of them and makes me want to shine his shoes.

The film gets nothing less than a 10. It was voted the film of the 1980's decade. I agree wholeheartedly.

Scorsese and De Niro forever.

Spend a little time now for FREE register and you could benefit later. You will be able to watch Raging Bull full movie in High Definition on your desktop PC, Mac, Laptop, or tablet. Download as many as you like and watch them on your Desktop pc, tablet, TV or Laptop.

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Streaming Dolphin Tale 2 Online

Free download and watch Dolphin Tale 2

Dolphin Tale 2 (2014)Dolphin Tale 2 (2014)
Date Released : 12 September 2014

Genre : Drama, Family

Stars : Morgan Freeman, Ashley Judd, Harry Connick Jr., Nathan Gamble

Movie Quality : HDrip

Format : MKV

Size : 700 MB

JOIN HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of satisfied members who became tired of waiting for DVDs in the mail, and now watch the hottest NEW RELEASES and CLASSICS on our site.

It has been several years since young Sawyer Nelson and the dedicated team at the Clearwater Marine Hospital, headed by Dr. Clay Haskett, rescued Winter. With the help of Dr. Cameron McCarthy, who developed a unique prosthetic tail for the injured dolphin, they were able to save her life. Yet their fight is not over. Winter's surrogate mother, the very elderly dolphin Panama, has passed away, leaving Winter without the only poolmate she has ever known. However, the loss of Panama may have even greater repercussions for Winter, who, according to USDA regulations, cannot be housed alone, as dolphins' social behavior requires them to be paired with other dolphins. Time is running out to find a companion for her before the team at Clearwater loses their beloved Winter to another aquarium.

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Spend a little time now for FREE register and you could benefit later. You will be able to watch Dolphin Tale 2 full movie in High Definition on your desktop PC, Mac, Laptop, or tablet. Download as many as you like and watch them on your Desktop pc, tablet, TV or Laptop.

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Streaming Perfect Sisters Online

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Perfect Sisters (2014)Perfect Sisters (2014)
iMDB Rating: 5.6

Date Released : 1 April 2014

Genre : Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller

Stars : Abigail Breslin, Georgie Henley, Mira Sorvino, James Russo

Movie Quality : HDrip

Format : MKV

Size : 870 MB

JOIN HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of satisfied members who became tired of waiting for DVDs in the mail, and now watch the hottest NEW RELEASES and CLASSICS on our site.

On January 18, 2003, police, alerted by a frantic 911 call from a distraught pair of teenage girls, arrived at the girls Toronto area town house to find their mother dead. It appeared the 44-year-old alcoholic, having slipped into a booze-and-pill stupor, drowned in her own bathwater. The death was ruled accidental by the authorities. In the months that followed, however, police were alerted to rumours and reports that the teenagers had been gossiping to friends about the accident. Police began piecing together rumours that suggested the teens might have had a hand in their mother's death. In fact, rather than an accident, the story that emerged portrayed the two teens as cold-blooded, premeditated killers.

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Review :

Tired of their mother's alcoholism and a string of her abusive boyfriends, two sisters plot to kill her.

I luckily caught an early screening of this film by director Stanley M. Brooks and have to say I was knocked out. It is a dark, stylish modern day tragedy about two teenagers caught in an existential nightmare. The choices they feel compelled to make and their consequences will haunt you for a long time, even if you're not a parent. Brooks did a particularly fantastic job of keeping you invested in these two young women from the gate. Like "Crime and Punishment" you are sucked in to the vortex of their dire circumstances and are swept along in their path to self destruction but you always feel for them. This builds to the final shot of the film, which is as heartbreaking and gut-wrenching as it is inevitable, and truly underscores the film's brilliance. The performances by both young actresses were spot on but I was also very impressed by nearly the unrecognizable Mira Sorvino as the mother. Brooks brought all these women to their darkest places and the result is stunning. A must see.

Spend a little time now for FREE register and you could benefit later. You will be able to watch Perfect Sisters full movie in High Definition on your desktop PC, Mac, Laptop, or tablet. Download as many as you like and watch them on your Desktop pc, tablet, TV or Laptop.

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Streaming The Good Wife (2009– ) Online

Free download and watch The Good Wife

The Good Wife (2009– )The Good Wife (2009– )
iMDB Rating: 8.2

Date Released : 2 April 2010

Genre : Crime, Drama, Mystery

Stars : Julianna Margulies, Chris Noth, Josh Charles, Matt Czuchry

Movie Quality : BRrip

Format : MKV

Size : 870 MB

JOIN HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of satisfied members who became tired of waiting for DVDs in the mail, and now watch the hottest NEW RELEASES and CLASSICS on our site.

Alicia Florrick is the wife of a former state's attorney for Cook County. He has been imprisoned after a sex and corruption scandal. Alicia must deal with the public humiliation. She must also fend for her two children. After years of being a housewife and mother, she returns to work as a litigator at the law firm Stern, Lockhart & Gardner. She must now prove herself in the courtroom.

Watch The Good Wife Trailer :

Review :

One of the best legal dramas I've ever seen - compelling viewing (Review updated May 2012)

First post. Thanks to other IMDb reviews, I decided to give The Good Wife a try. And boy I was not disappointed. Julianna Margulies leads a stellar ensemble cast, the acting and script writing is near-flawless, and the weekly stories are believable yet not over-the-top. A nice almost Thriller main storyline flows throughout the episodes, adding a compelling undercurrent to what could have been just another legal drama.

The Good Wife examines the lives of legal professionals as affected by their cases and work circumstances. It certainly does not mirror the style of any other legal drama in style, timing or episode structure, and I believe it has found a well-deserved niche of it's own on current high-quality television drama.

I highly recommend you watch this series if you enjoy fine acting and tight, coherent and interesting story lines.

Greg PS. Thankfully there is no "This is based on a true story" etc. tag-line to distract the viewer from the scriptwriters obvious prodigious talents, and a very enjoyable hour of weekly escapism!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1st May 2012 Review Update (no spoilers): ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I have just finished watching Season 3. Literally sitting on the edge of my couch. WOW!. Since my original review this fantastic drama has grown in depth and breadth - I can now place it (almost) with Deadwood, Dexter, The Walking Dead, Battlestar Galactica and Six Feet Under as an all time television great - no exaggeration.

The interplay between characters (of whom the depth is truly 3 dimensional) is complex, yet does not try to confuse the viewer in an attempt at narcissistic scriptwriting "greatness" (We all know shows that do that). It just flows.

Amongst the stellar cast, my favorite character would have to be exotic and mysterious Kalinda Sharma, played by the mesmerizing Archie Panjabi (2009 Emmy award winner for best actress, and Chopard Trophy winner for the phenomenal 2007's "A Mighty Heart").

Subtle humor is so well crafted and acted, you are guaranteed at least one belly laugh per episode; these become almost a small gift from the writers - an (we want these characters to resonate with you) unexpected and welcome tangent from the often serious, sometimes even chilling story lines.

Truthfully I can't recall one episode where I reflected "gee that was a bit dull, I guess they had to do that to pad out the season". Forget the usual clichéd formula episodes from the Scriptwriting For Dummies handbook - you won't find them here. No lame flashbacks, no "24 hours earlier" and no musical/costume themed episodes here thanks. Just gritty, compelling and eminently enjoyable television.

The Good Wife is simply superb.

Spend a little time now for FREE register and you could benefit later. You will be able to watch The Good Wife full movie in High Definition on your desktop PC, Mac, Laptop, or tablet. Download as many as you like and watch them on your Desktop pc, tablet, TV or Laptop.

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Watch A Knight's Tale Online

Free download and watch A Knight's Tale

A Knight's Tale (2001)A Knight's Tale (2001)
iMDB Rating: 6.9

Date Released : 11 May 2001

Genre : Action, Adventure, Romance

Stars : Heath Ledger, Mark Addy, Rufus Sewell, Shannyn Sossamon

Movie Quality : HDrip

Format : MKV

Size : 870 MB

JOIN HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of satisfied members who became tired of waiting for DVDs in the mail, and now watch the hottest NEW RELEASES and CLASSICS on our site.

Inspired by "The Canterbury Tales," as well as the story of Ulrich von Lichtenstein, this is the story of William, a young squire with a gift for jousting. After his master dies suddenly, the squire hits the road with his cohorts Roland and Wat. On the journey, they stumble across an unknown writer, Chaucer. William, lacking a proper pedigree, convinces Chaucer to forge genealogy documents that will pass him off as a knight. With his newly-minted history in hand, the young man sets out to prove himself a worthy knight at the country's jousting competition, and finds romance along the way.

Watch A Knight's Tale Trailer :

Review :

More accurate than you might think

The first time I saw A Knight's Tale (on cable, missed it in theater), I had the same reaction as many of you - Queen? David Bowie? In a movie set in the middle ages?

But I stayed with it, and I'm glad I did. Once you get past the glaring anachronisms (put in the film on purpose, of course), you find the movie is actually quite true to its period.

The presence of Chaucer in the film, combined with some of its details, leads me to suspect that Brian Helgeland has read "Chaucer's Knight" by fellow filmmaker Terry Jones (of Monty Python fame). The book deconstructs the knight in Chaucer's "The Knight's Tale" in a totally unique way -- he is seen NOT as the flower of medieval chivalry (as most scholars have interpreted him), but as a mercenary out for nothing but money and blood. The character in the film Chaucer would have written about, then, is not Sir William Thatcher (Heath Ledger), but Count Adhemar of Anjou (Rufus Sewell).

The part of the film in which this connection "clicked" for me was the scene where Count Adhemar is called away to his command in a "Free Company" -- a particular stain on the reputation of knighthood which Jones talks extensively about in his book.

Jones' book made use of extensive research into medieval history, and Helgeland's film obviously does, too.

Chaucer was a master of satire in his day. Helgeland's use of modern conventions in a period film is a conceit of which - I believe - Chaucer would definitely have approved.

I gave "A Knight's Tale" 9 out of 10 - it's not perfect, but I like it so much, I try to watch it every time it comes on (it's been on HBO and Cinemax pretty regularly for the past several months). Check it out!

Spend a little time now for FREE register and you could benefit later. You will be able to watch A Knight's Tale full movie in High Definition on your desktop PC, Mac, Laptop, or tablet. Download as many as you like and watch them on your Desktop pc, tablet, TV or Laptop.

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Streaming Larry Crowne Online

Free download and watch Larry Crowne

Larry Crowne (2011)Larry Crowne (2011)
iMDB Rating: 6.0

Date Released : 1 July 2011

Genre : Comedy, Drama, Romance

Stars : Tom Hanks, Julia Roberts, Sarah Mahoney, Roxana Ortega

Movie Quality : BRrip

Format : MKV

Size : 870 MB

JOIN HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of satisfied members who became tired of waiting for DVDs in the mail, and now watch the hottest NEW RELEASES and CLASSICS on our site.

Until he was downsized, affable, amiable Larry Crowne (Hanks) was a superstar team leader at the big-box company where he's worked since his time in the Navy. Underwater on his mortgage and unclear on what to do with his suddenly free days, Larry heads to his local college to start over. There he becomes part of a colorful community of outcasts, also-rans and the overlooked all trying to find a better future for themselves...often moving around town in a herd of scooters. In his public-speaking class, Larry develops an unexpected crush on his teacher Mercedes Tainot (Roberts), who has lost as much passion for teaching as she has for her husband. The simple guy who has every reason to think his life has stalled will come to learn an unexpected lesson: when you think everything worth having has passed you by, you just might discover your reason to live.

Watch Larry Crowne Trailer :

Review :

not a bad movie but somewhat slow

Saw it at European premiere. Overall it is a nice comedy. Not for hard laughs, but a somewhat sentimental story about an excellent salesman who is fired, because he doesn't have a college degree. Hence he goes back to community college and ends up falling in love.

So far so good. The entire cast is good and Julia is excellent as a hard drinking disillusioned teacher. Tom's direction is a bit slow. So is the build up of the story. It seems to move endlessly among A story, B story trying to please everyone.

Tom decided on a strange, sepia colored 70s look for this one. It's so unreal, or maybe real, I quiet was turned off by it. I suppose for a mature adult audience in their mid 40s this one works. Teenagers will see the Transporter CGI nonsense, while their parents will have a good time with this love-comedy-drama story.

Spend a little time now for FREE register and you could benefit later. You will be able to watch Larry Crowne full movie in High Definition on your desktop PC, Mac, Laptop, or tablet. Download as many as you like and watch them on your Desktop pc, tablet, TV or Laptop.

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Streaming West Side Story (1961) Online

Free download and watch West Side Story

West Side Story (1961)West Side Story (1961)
iMDB Rating: 7.6

Date Released : 23 December 1961

Genre : Crime, Drama, Musical, Romance, Thriller

Stars : Natalie Wood, George Chakiris, Richard Beymer, Russ Tamblyn

Movie Quality : HDrip

Format : MKV

Size : 870 MB

JOIN HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of satisfied members who became tired of waiting for DVDs in the mail, and now watch the hottest NEW RELEASES and CLASSICS on our site.

West Side Story is the award-winning adaptation of the classic romantic tragedy, "Romeo and Juliet". The feuding families become two warring New York City gangs- the white Jets led by Riff and the Puerto Rican Sharks, led by Bernardo. Their hatred escalates to a point where neither can coexist with any form of understanding. But when Riff's best friend (and former Jet) Tony and Bernardo's younger sister Maria meet at a dance, no one can do anything to stop their love. Maria and Tony begin meeting in secret, planning to run away. Then the Sharks and Jets plan a rumble under the highway - whoever wins gains control of the streets. Maria sends Tony to stop it, hoping it can end the violence. It goes terribly wrong, and before the lovers know what's happened, tragedy strikes and doesn't stop until the climactic and heartbreaking ending.

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Review :

First time to watch? Get ready to have a feast for the eye, the ear, and ultimately the heart!

WestSide Story is an American icon, that reveals how today's world became global, that every modern democratic country of the Earth has every different culture mixed to live together in peace. So as you might guess WestSide Story is one socio-political movie that symbolizes post-modernism. This masterpiece also reveals the most frightening question that non-Americans -and undemocratic- keep in their mind, but afraid to ask: "What if America has never been existed?" Once you watched WestSide Story, you'll realize how post-modernism changed the world, that racism and vendetta are no longer conceptual.

As a matter of art, WestSide Story combines a walloping score with exuberant choreography and spectacular screenplay to create a transcendent fusion of Realism and Fantasy, that will forever be a feast for the eye, the ear, and ultimately the heart. As a matter of movie concepts, the story line has the perfect progress beginning with the introduction of the two confrontational 1950s' New York city gangs, continuing with the love occurring between a girl from an immigrant group and a boy from a fanatical nationalist group, ending with the death of the gang leaders and the lover boy. When the story begins to progress, it becomes more and more fascinating through focusing of the lovers struggling to come together. There we admire successful acting of Rita Moreno(supporting actress), Susan Oakes and George Chakiris.

9 out of 10.

Spend a little time now for FREE register and you could benefit later. You will be able to watch West Side Story full movie in High Definition on your desktop PC, Mac, Laptop, or tablet. Download as many as you like and watch them on your Desktop pc, tablet, TV or Laptop.

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Watch Grandma's Boy Online

Free download and watch Grandma's Boy

Grandma's Boy (2006)Grandma's Boy (2006)
iMDB Rating: 7.1

Date Released : 6 January 2006

Genre : Comedy

Stars : Allen Covert, Linda Cardellini, Shirley Jones, Peter Dante

Movie Quality : BRrip

Format : MKV

Size : 700 MB

JOIN HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of satisfied members who became tired of waiting for DVDs in the mail, and now watch the hottest NEW RELEASES and CLASSICS on our site.

When his roommate spends the rent money on Filipino hookers, Alex, a 35 year old video game tester has to find a new place to live. After an "encounter" with his friend's mom, Alex is forced to move in with his grandmother. Trying to save face with his younger co-workers, Alex says that "a really cute chick said I could sleep with her and her two crazy girlfriends" (meaning his grandmother and her two roommates).

Watch Grandma's Boy Trailer :

Review :

Freaking hilarious

One of the funniest movies I have ever seen, if not the funniest. As many others have said, this isn't highbrow comedy, but that doesn't make it any less enjoyable. The puns and gags are highly memorable, and there are a lot of lovable actors, many of which you wouldn't expect to see in a movie like this, which makes them even more entertaining.

Whenever my friends have a LAN, we have to watch this movie at least once, as most of them are game designers. Many people have said that the movie is unrealistic, but beyond the obvious physical and logistical deviations, the general attitude and behavior of the characters isn't too far off from what I see when I've been around my friends.

I can't believe anyone could rate this a 1. If you did, call the morgue, you are dead inside.

Spend a little time now for FREE register and you could benefit later. You will be able to watch Grandma's Boy full movie in High Definition on your desktop PC, Mac, Laptop, or tablet. Download as many as you like and watch them on your Desktop pc, tablet, TV or Laptop.

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Streaming G.I. Joe: Retaliation (2013) Online

Free download and watch G.I. Joe: Retaliation

G.I. Joe: Retaliation (2013)G.I. Joe: Retaliation (2013)
iMDB Rating: 5.8

Date Released : 28 March 2013

Genre : Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi, Thriller

Stars : Dwayne Johnson, Channing Tatum, Adrianne Palicki, Byung-hun Lee

Movie Quality : HDrip

Format : MKV

Size : 870 MB

JOIN HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of satisfied members who became tired of waiting for DVDs in the mail, and now watch the hottest NEW RELEASES and CLASSICS on our site.

The G.I. Joe team is framed for crimes against the country by Zartan, disguised as the President, and Cobra Commander has all the world leaders under his influence, with their advanced warheads headed towards innocent populaces around the world. Outnumbered and outgunned, the surviving team members form a plan with their original leader, General Joseph Colton, to rescue the President and face off Cobra Commander, his accomplices and the world leaders.

Watch G.I. Joe: Retaliation Trailer :

Review :

G.I.Joe Retaliation:Strictly Average!

G.I. Joe Retaliation is an strictly average action movie.

The movie has the same repeated story,which we have often seen in many action movies before.

For me,what made G.I Joe Retaliation more disappointing is Bruce Willis.He had hardly any screen-space to showcase his action skills.

G.I Joe Retaliation is a movie made for the teens.The teens are surely going to love this one! There are many action sequences in this movie,but only a few stand out.The action sequence in the Himalayas is the highlight of the movie.This action sequence has been shot very nicely.

The direction is mediocre.

Performance: Dwayne Johnson is fine.Channing Tatum is strictly okay.Elodie Yung,Ray Park and Adrianne Palicki are just okay.Bruce Willis disappoints.

All in all,G.I.Joe Retaliation is a strictly average action movie.I would recommend this flick for the teens but not for adults.I am giving it a four on ten.

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Watch Grown Ups 2 (2013) Online

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Grown Ups 2 (2013)Grown Ups 2 (2013)
iMDB Rating: 5.4

Date Released : 12 July 2013

Genre : Comedy

Stars : Adam Sandler, Kevin James, Chris Rock, David Spade

Movie Quality : BRrip

Format : MKV

Size : 700 MB

JOIN HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of satisfied members who became tired of waiting for DVDs in the mail, and now watch the hottest NEW RELEASES and CLASSICS on our site.

After having the greatest time of his life three summers ago, Lenny (Adam Sandler), decides he wants to move his family back to his hometown and have them grow up with his gang of childhood friends and their kids. But between old bullies, new bullies, schizophrenic bus drivers, drunk cops on skis, psycho grade school girlfriends and 400 costumed party crashes he finds out that sometimes crazy follows you.

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Review :

OMG Absolutety Stupid!

Went to see this and wish I could have worked all day instead!!! This was an absolute waste of time and money. Waste of my money for paying to see this crap and super waste of money spent on making this garbage. It has some funny moments, most of which are shown in the previews, but there is no real flow or storyline. It has some solid actors in it too, which is a shame, because it seems to me that if they cared about their careers at all, they should have been able to read the script and see that it would not work. I assure you, if you are over 12...no, over 7 years old, you will leave disappointed... Please don't waste your money too!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Watch Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life (2003) Online

Free download and watch Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life

Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life (2003)Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life (2003)
iMDB Rating: 5.4

Date Released : 25 July 2003

Genre : Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Thriller

Stars : Angelina Jolie, Gerard Butler, Chris Barrie, Ciarán Hinds

Movie Quality : BRrip

Format : MKV

Size : 870 MB

JOIN HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of satisfied members who became tired of waiting for DVDs in the mail, and now watch the hottest NEW RELEASES and CLASSICS on our site.

Intrepid British archaeologist Lara Croft has made perhaps the most important archaeological discovery in history: an orb that leads to the mythical Pandora's Box. Unfortunately, the orb falls into the hands of Jonathan Reiss, an evil scientist who deals in killer viruses and hopes to sell the secrets of the box as the ultimate weapon. Recruited by British Intelligence to get the orb back from Reiss, Lara recruits Terry Sheridan, a British marine turned mercenary (and her former love interest) to help. The two embark on an adventure that spans continents in an attempt to regain the orb...

Watch Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life Trailer :

Review :

Quite good, indeed.

I thought the movie was nicely paced, and the action was, to say the least, pretty darn good. Granted, the story line could have been "fished" out a bit, Ms. Jolie's action made up for that short fall. Being a huge fan of Mr. Chris Barrie, it was nice to see the character of Hillary have more to do than just clean up after the mansion gets raided. Let's hope the next installment has the same action, fast paced locations and even more realism in the storyline. All in all, The Cradle of Life hits almost all the right notes. Ms. Jolie has done some fine work here.

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Watch The Tourist (2010) Online

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The Tourist (2010)The Tourist (2010)
iMDB Rating: 6.0

Date Released : 10 December 2010

Genre : Action, Romance, Thriller

Stars : Johnny Depp, Angelina Jolie, Paul Bettany, Timothy Dalton

Movie Quality : HDrip

Format : MKV

Size : 870 MB

JOIN HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of satisfied members who became tired of waiting for DVDs in the mail, and now watch the hottest NEW RELEASES and CLASSICS on our site.

Elise (Angelina Jolie) sits next to an American tourist, Frank (Johnny Depp), on a train going to Venice. She has chosen him as a decoy, making believe that he is her lover who is wanted by police. Not only will they need to evade the police, but also the mobster whose money her lover stole.

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Review :

Too fun and lighthearted for its own good!

As if that's even possible.

Ignore the trailers... and the critics. This isn't a thriller, and it never tries to be. It is, wholeheartedly, a comedy. Anyone who missed that must have been watching a different film, because it's funny - in fact, it's hysterical. But not because it's "so bad it's good". No, it's totally intentional. The lines are funny, the pauses are funny, the actors are funny... it's like a younger, slightly subtler, Venetian version of Red. What's not to like?

We're all used to seeing Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie in dramatic roles - Finding Neverland, Public Enemies, The Changeling, A Mighty Heart... and it's so easy to forget that they can be funny. But they are, both of them. Johnny shines, as he always does. Angelina Jolie looks glorious, and when she smiles, the screen lights up. They don't have chemistry, critics say. Oh yes, they do, I say. More importantly, they seem to be enjoying themselves.

Johnny's Frank is delightful, touching and slightly mysterious. He has endless room to play around, and makes Frank memorable, and lovely, as only Johnny can. Angelina's role is more limiting, but she still makes it fresh and - yes - deeply amusing, parodying both herself and the genre in general. Watching her saunter around on her high heels, one can't help but recall what James Bond used to be like. This isn't Wanted or Salt: she has far more to do here than look cryptic and shoot people, and she does it very well.

Add to that the utterly magnificent Paul Bettany, Timothy Dalton, a few stereotypically dim Russian gangsters (they speak actual Russian, for once, and their funniest lines aren't subtitled) and Rufus Sewell, and there's no way you can go wrong.

Yes, there's a twist at the end - a twist that seemed to annoy most people. But does that take away from the film? No! It adds to it, because it's just so obvious, and natural, that it's all the funnier for it.

This isn't an intellectual film. Nor does it try to be. It's a romp, a fun romp with two beautiful, endlessly talented actors, set in a beautiful city (which is shot so beautifully that it becomes like a separate character). So who cares how intellectual it is? This is a film that's genuinely entertaining, from start to finish. And if it's snowing where you are, you'll certainly appreciate the sunshine. Give it a chance!

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Watch Metallica Through the Never Online

Free download and watch Metallica Through the Never

Metallica Through the Never (2013)Metallica Through the Never (2013)
iMDB Rating: 7.4

Date Released : 4 October 2013

Genre : Music

Stars : Dane DeHaan, James Hetfield, Lars Ulrich, Kirk Hammett

Movie Quality : BRrip

Format : MKV

Size : 700 MB

JOIN HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of satisfied members who became tired of waiting for DVDs in the mail, and now watch the hottest NEW RELEASES and CLASSICS on our site.

Trip, a young roadie for Metallica, is sent on an urgent mission during the band's show. But what seems like a simple assignment turns into a surreal adventure.

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Review :

Accept this for what it is...

It's a concert film, it's not a movie. Metallica fans or anyone that has ever taken acid will relate to the cut scenes and the metaphors within the journey of Trip the roadie, as ridiculous as they are.

To anyone else, it's pointless, over the top & completely rudderless, but to the hardcore, lifelong fans who revel in the spectacular. It's too short, not loud enough and not a moment too soon.

The first review in IMDb is from "ssp113" he called it the worst "film" he'd ever see. I use my real name on this site, but I've got a feeling his real name might be Dave Mustaine? Ego's..............don't make me laugh, it's METALLICA BABY!!!

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Watch Revolution Online

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Revolution (2012–2014)Revolution (2012–2014)
iMDB Rating: 6.7

Date Released : 9 March 2013

Genre : Action, Adventure, Drama, Sci-Fi

Stars : Billy Burke, Tracy Spiridakos, Giancarlo Esposito, Zak Orth

Movie Quality : HDrip

Format : MKV

Size : 870 MB

JOIN HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of satisfied members who became tired of waiting for DVDs in the mail, and now watch the hottest NEW RELEASES and CLASSICS on our site.

Our entire way of life depends on electricity. So what would happen if it just stopped working? Well, one day, like a switch turned off, the world is suddenly thrust back into the dark ages. Planes fall from the sky, hospitals shut down, and communication is impossible. And without any modern technology, who can tell us why? Now, 15 years later, life is back to what it once was long before the industrial revolution: families living in quiet cul-de-sacs, and when the sun goes down lanterns and candles are lit. Life is slower and sweeter. Or is it? On the fringes of small farming communities, danger lurks. And a young woman's life is dramatically changed when a local militia arrives and kills her father, who mysteriously - and unbeknownst to her - had something to do with the blackout. This brutal encounter sets her and two unlikely companions off on a daring coming-of-age journey to find answers about the past in the hopes of reclaiming the future.

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Review :

I love this TV show!!!

First of all i don't write reviews,so i wasn't planning to do one now,but the main review on this page and the ratting got me all MAD!!!I saw the 10 episodes in 1 night and i wanted MORE.It reminds me of LOST with the flashbacks and the moments when i realize that one character is not that good or that bad.

The show cut me to the core with the story of having no electricity,and how the world would manage the situation,to the point that i think all the time what i would do in that situation.The characters are very well constructed,strong individuals,you want to be them,you love them you hate them.From my point of view the image is nicely done,how the show is filmed,i appreciate the work these people put into this,how they manage to create this fabulous future,everything is fine by me!!!!

Writing this,hopefully will get in the first page and people will read it,and hear me when i say,it's a great show to watch,is fun and it will get you away from this world,that is all we need after all,escape,let our imagination roll.

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Watch Vikings Online

Free download and watch Vikings

Vikings (2013– )Vikings (2013– )
iMDB Rating: 8.6

Date Released : 5 March 2013

Genre : Action, Drama, History, War

Stars : Travis Fimmel, Clive Standen, Jessalyn Gilsig, Gustaf Skarsgård. The adventures of Ragnar Lothbrok: the greatest hero of his age. The series tells the saga of Ragnar's band of Viking brothers and his family as he rises to become King of the Viking tribes. As well as being a fearless warrior, Ragnar embodies the Norse traditions of devotion to the gods: legend has it that he was a direct descendant of Odin, the god of war and warriors." />

Movie Quality : BRrip

Format : MKV

Size : 700 MB

JOIN HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of satisfied members who became tired of waiting for DVDs in the mail, and now watch the hottest NEW RELEASES and CLASSICS on our site.

The adventures of Ragnar Lothbrok: the greatest hero of his age. The series tells the saga of Ragnar's band of Viking brothers and his family as he rises to become King of the Viking tribes. As well as being a fearless warrior, Ragnar embodies the Norse traditions of devotion to the gods: legend has it that he was a direct descendant of Odin, the god of war and warriors.

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Review :

Fantastic new show really shows Viking world

I really enjoyed this first episode. Writing is strong. Acting is good and more importantly I am really fascinated by the characters. The most impressive thing however was the look of the show. Photography, art direction and just whole look is so lush and rich looks like a feature film. Cant wait for episode 2! Both Travis and Gabriel Byne both shine in their roles. I do hope a season 2 is in the works. I have read a lot about vikings and I can see the makes really went to great lengths to bring the true viking ways to the screen. Especially the religion and gods. I am a fan GOT and this show is great that it delves into the ancient world, but this show has a different flavor. More raw and intense, but still with a nice magical feel to it.

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Watch Last Man Standing Online

Free download and watch Last Man Standing

Last Man Standing (2011– )Last Man Standing (2011– )
iMDB Rating: 7.1

Date Released : 7 December 2011

Genre : Comedy

Stars : Tim Allen, Nancy Travis, Molly Ephraim, Kaitlyn Dever

Movie Quality : BRrip

Format : MKV

Size : 700 MB

JOIN HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of satisfied members who became tired of waiting for DVDs in the mail, and now watch the hottest NEW RELEASES and CLASSICS on our site.

Mike Baxter is the marketing director for an iconic outdoor sporting goods store. He loves to have adventures while he's traveling for work and, of course, he drives a pick-up truck. While Mike is king of the hill at work, he's the odd man out in a home that is dominated by women -- namely his wife, Vanessa, and their three daughters, 22- year-old Kristin, 17-year-old Mandy and 14-year-old Eve. After being a stay-at-home mom for years, Vanessa recently returned to the workplace and was quickly promoted (much to the dismay of her primarily male co-workers). As a result of Vanessa's increased work load, Mike is pulled into more hands-on parenting than ever before.

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Review :

I love it!

Of course, it can be compared to Tim Allen's old show, but this is really fresh and Tim having to interact with girls instead of boys really puts him out of his element, and adds to the humor. Love Hector as the boss,(He was the best part of Pretty Woman). The girls are really starting to shine, especially the middle one, who is so clueless! I do agree with someone else, the youngest one is the most likable and best played. As far as Nancy Travis being weak, I disagree. She is nearly perfect as the sensible half of that marriage who is the calming influence. She has seen it all before and does not need to go over the top, that is Tim's job! (and still looks good in a pirate costume)

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Streaming Wonder Woman Online

Free download and watch Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman (1975–1979)Wonder Woman (1975–1979)
iMDB Rating: 7.0

Date Released : 23 April 2002

Genre : Action, Adventure, Family, Fantasy, Sci-Fi

Stars : Lynda Carter, Lyle Waggoner, Tom Kratochvil, Richard Eastham

Movie Quality : BRrip

Format : MKV

Size : 700 MB

JOIN HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of satisfied members who became tired of waiting for DVDs in the mail, and now watch the hottest NEW RELEASES and CLASSICS on our site.

During World War II, a plane piloted by Major Steve Trevor crashes near Paradise Island, the secret hidden island home of the mighty and eternally young Amazons. He is rescued by Princess Diana, who learns of the war against the Nazis. The Amazons decide to send one of their own to help fight in this crisis. Although forbidden to participate in the selection process, Diana joins secretly and wins the right and responsibility to go. Taking the still unconscious Major to safety, she joins him as Yeoman Diana Prince. Furthermore, when the forces of evil threaten the nation, Diana would spin to transform into Wonder Wonder, armed with a magic belt giving her tremendous strength, bracelets that can stop any bullet, a tiara that can be thrown as a returning weapon and a unbreakable magic lasso that can force anyone to tell the truth. After WW II, she returned to the Island, only to encounter Steve Trevor Jr., agent for IADC, thirty years later. Seeing the amazing coincidence as a sign, she ...

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Review :


Lynda Carter's portrayal of Wonder Woman was one of the best superhero performances ever. She really came across as a super-powerful female, just as Lou Ferrigno came across on The Incredible Hulk as a super-powerful green-skinned goliath. What was even better was when Debra Winger guest-starred in three episodes as WW's sister, Wonder Girl. Talk about a double dose of babeness!!!

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Streaming King Arthur Online

Free download and watch King Arthur

King Arthur (2004)King Arthur (2004)
iMDB Rating: 6.3

Date Released : 7 July 2004

Genre : Action, Adventure, Drama, History, War

Stars : Clive Owen, Stephen Dillane, Keira Knightley, Ioan Gruffudd

Movie Quality : BRrip

Format : MKV

Size : 870 MB

JOIN HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of satisfied members who became tired of waiting for DVDs in the mail, and now watch the hottest NEW RELEASES and CLASSICS on our site.

Based on a more realistic portrayal of "Arthur" than has ever been presented onscreen. The film will focus on the history and politics of the period during which Arthur ruled -- when the Roman empire collapsed and skirmishes over power broke out in outlying countries -- as opposed to the mystical elements of the tale on which past Arthur films have focused.

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Review :

The realism behind the magic

In recent movies coming out of Hollywood there seems to be a trend towards attempting to unveil the true character behind some of history's most mysterious individuals. With most of us having been brought up on tales of a medieval King Arthur and the magic of Camelot, it was a risk for those who initiated this movie to attempt to expose the man behind the myth, so to speak. In my opinion, through a combination of realistic battle scenes, stunning cinematography and well rounded characters this movie is successful.

This tale takes us on a journey with King Arthur's knights as they embark on a final quest for Rome. The issue of religious persecution is raised on numerous occasions in the duration of this movie and relates to contemporary circumstances where religious belief can be used as a form of power and means of superiority. Themes such as this raise the film above the average Bruckheimer production. However, the dialogue is still cliché in places, and mid-battle jokes can fall flat on audiences that have grown weary of them in films such as LORD OF THE RINGS and PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN. Fortunately, the battle scenes are realistic and don't bombard us with Jackie Chan like maneuvers that the knights have suddenly and inexplicably learned.

The movie is beautifully shot with a variety of landscapes ranging from Hadrian's Wall to icy snow-covered hills and peasant villages. This ensures that the audience always has something new to look at, but also paints a realistic picture of the poverty and harsh environment of the time.

My only complaint about this film would have to be that some of the acting and characterisation was a little disappointing. Clive Owen's 'Arthur' was a little internalised and predictable. While other characters, such as Lancelot (Ioan Gruffud), are fabulously flawed, Arthur is always thinking of others and making the right decisions. His humanity never falters. Owen delivers his lines woodenly and without the passion one wishes to see from such a great warrior and humanitarian. Whilst the writers have dared to put a different spin on the characters of Lancelot and Guinevere (Keira Knightly), they seem to have stuck with the Arthur of legend. Knightly's performance was certainly nothing special. Her role in the movie was unclear as she seemed to only be there to run around in skimpy outfits, although I'm sure the intention was to create a strong female character. I thought her survival in battle was unrealistic as she was much smaller and weaker than the thousands of large trained warriors she was fighting, particularly since she had apparently nearly starved to death after being walled up in a tomb for her Pagan beliefs. Although Knightly is beautiful, her performances in movies thus far have yet to convince me of her acting abilities.

Overall, I thought this movie was unique in that it depicted a time not often portrayed in modern cinema. It had strong themes with a good mix of humour, romance and action. Although the film had its flaws, I would definitely recommend it as I believe it would appeal to a wide audience.

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Streaming The Office Online

Free download and watch The Office

The Office (2005–2013)The Office (2005–2013)
iMDB Rating: 8.9

Date Released : 30 March 2005

Genre : Comedy

Stars : Rainn Wilson, John Krasinski, Jenna Fischer, Leslie David Baker

Movie Quality : BRrip

Format : MKV

Size : 700 MB

JOIN HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of satisfied members who became tired of waiting for DVDs in the mail, and now watch the hottest NEW RELEASES and CLASSICS on our site.

A remake of the hit 2001 BBC TV series The Office (2001), this is a mockumentary that documents the exploits of a paper supply company in Scranton, Pennsylvania. Made up of head chief Michael Scott, a harmlessly deluded and ignorantly insensitive boss who cares about the welfare of his employees while trying to put his own spin on company policy. With an office including the likes of various peers who have their own hangups, The Office (2005) takes a look at the lives of its co-workers: bored but talented salesman Jim, his mildly sociopathic, butt kissing enemy Dwight, mildly righteous receptionist Pam, and indifferent temp Ryan.

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Review :

Give this a chance

I haven't seen the British show upon which this is based, so I'm daring to judge this show by its own merits.

Boy, do I like it. This is the best mockumentary comedy since The Larry Sanders Show. Steve Carell is fantastic, and everything is wonderfully underplayed. I just worry that the show is too intelligent for American audiences, and won't last long as a result.

I'm hoping the network will foster this one like Fox has with Arrested Development, pushing it where it can, not expecting big audiences right off the bat, and allowing it to grow. I doubt if the show will grow beyond a cult hit, but hopefully that will be enough to keep it on the air for at least a few years.

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Streaming The Mindy Project Online

Free download and watch The Mindy Project

The Mindy Project (2012– )The Mindy Project (2012– )
iMDB Rating: 7.2

Date Released : 27 February 2013

Genre : Comedy

Movie Quality : BRrip

Format : MKV

Size : 870 MB

JOIN HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of satisfied members who became tired of waiting for DVDs in the mail, and now watch the hottest NEW RELEASES and CLASSICS on our site.

A young Ob/Gyn doctor balances her personal and professional life, surrounded by quirky co-workers in a small office.

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Review :

Light and Quirky

I'm surprised the ratings aren't a little higher for "The Mindy Project" - with a lot of the crap out there, "The Mindy Project" is refreshingly quite funny. The characters are quirky, and I have a smile on my face pretty much the whole time I am watching the show. It's a nice break from all the drama filled teenage/girls/vampire shows that seem to be all the rave right now.

This a light fun filled comedy, that i'd compare to "Parks and Rec" and "The Office." So if you like those shows then you'll probably like this one as well.

It's about a young doctor who is living similar lives to many woman in their earlier 30's. Can't find someone to settle down with but has a career and a nice friend base at her office. She's surrounded by characters who are mostly in the same boat as her.

The show is fast paced and filed with nutty dialogue and makes for a perfect show to watch during lunch, or if you need a break from hectic life.

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Watch Labor Day (2013) Online

Free download and watch Labor Day

Labor Day (2013)Labor Day (2013)
iMDB Rating: 6.9

Date Released : 31 January 2014

Genre : Drama

Stars : Kate Winslet, Josh Brolin, Gattlin Griffith, Clark Gregg

Movie Quality : HDrip

Format : MKV

Size : 700 MB

JOIN HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of satisfied members who became tired of waiting for DVDs in the mail, and now watch the hottest NEW RELEASES and CLASSICS on our site.

Depressed single mom Adele and her son Henry offer a wounded, fearsome man a ride. As police search town for the escaped convict, the mother and son gradually learn his true story as their options become increasingly limited.

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Review :

A Straw Dog on the run in Madison County

'Labor Day' begins in a broken American household. After his parents' divorce, a sensitive seventh-grader chooses to stay with his depressed mother rather than join his father's new family. Henry and Adele remain trapped in a sad, dysfunctional relationship as a child parenting a traumatized adult until they embark on a fateful shopping trip prior to a holiday weekend. They are accosted in a discount store by a threatening stranger, Frank, who demands they give him a ride in their car, and accompanies them to their dilapidated rural home. By the next morning it's apparent he's a dangerous escaped convict, and his departure has become impossible since a police dragnet has surrounded the area.

After this disturbing first act, the film soon leaves 'Desperate Hours/Straw Dogs' territory in the rear view mirror and enters a sunlit world similar to 'The Bridges of Madison County'. Frank confounds pessimistic expectations by coaching Henry in baseball skills, doing various household odd-jobs, servicing the car and baking peach pies. Before too long he's also healing Adele's aching loneliness with his peachy massage techniques. Fine performances from the three lead actors hold the film together, but can't prevent the story's drift into sentimentality and implausibility. The epilogue stretches any remaining credulity beyond belief as it panders to the feel-good requirements of a rich box-office harvest.

Spend a little time now for FREE register and you could benefit later. You will be able to watch Labor Day full movie in High Definition on your desktop PC, Mac, Laptop, or tablet. Download as many as you like and watch them on your Desktop pc, tablet, TV or Laptop.

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Watch Hannibal Rising Online

Free download and watch Hannibal Rising

Hannibal Rising (2007)Hannibal Rising (2007)
iMDB Rating: 6.2

Date Released : 9 February 2007

Genre : Crime, Drama, Thriller

Stars : Gaspard Ulliel, Rhys Ifans, Li Gong, Aaran Thomas

Movie Quality : BRrip

Format : MKV

Size : 700 MB

JOIN HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of satisfied members who became tired of waiting for DVDs in the mail, and now watch the hottest NEW RELEASES and CLASSICS on our site.

Mischa and Hannibal, baby brother and sister, are inseparable; it is their love for each other that ties their bond. Their companionship is forever binding, until, with their family, while hiding from the Nazi war machine a twisted set of circumstance sets the pace for a most vicious attack on the future of one Hannibal Lecter for the sworn vengeance for the brutal killing of his baby sister. Years later, we find Hannibal, the teenager, setting up in Paris, and living with his aunt Lady Murasaki Shikibu and studying at medical school here he finds his forte. Still searching for his sister's murderers, still bitter and still ever hopeful of satisfying his desire for retribution. This chance arrives, and soon we are to learn that for a pound of flesh lost a pound of flesh must be repaid. This is the horrific tale of justice and honor, a young man's growing pains that will have the guilty paying with more than just flesh and bone. This is the up and rising tale of the young Hannibal, ...

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Review :

Stunning Visuals, But A Disappointing Story

As a fan of all the Hannibal Lector films, I was expecting another film I'd enjoy and thinking this would be a terrific character study of man who is one of the most famous fictional killers of all time. What I got instead was more of a simple revenge story than the character study. Oh, yeah, we do learn some background of the famous "Dr. Lector," but not enough of what really made him the weird combination of intellectual and cannibal.

Although portraying and having someone in the film label the young adult as "monster," the filmmakers (actually, author Thomas Harris) really made him more of a sympathetic character instead. They took the easiest road, out, too, making an easy target the villains: the Nazis. How often has Hollywood done that, even today 60 years after the conclusion of WWII.

What we get is a revenge story of how Lector went from a child captive of the Nazis for a short time, to a medical student in Paris and how he tracked down the Nazis who killed the rest of his family. Of particular incentive to him was the avenging of his sister's death. There is a neat little twist at the ending regarding that but I go into that for spoiler reasons.

The best part of the film was the absolutely gorgeous cinematography. This is beautifully filmed, first frame to last. The story is much better in the second half than the first, which has a few parts in which it lags. I'm not quite sure about the credibility of having an Asian aunt raise him, but I also enjoy seeing actress Gong Li. Her relationship with young Hannibal is a strange one.

Gaspard Ulliel as Hannibal was okay but certainly not as riveting in the role as the mature Anthony Hopkins was in his three performances. Why a young French actor, who has all the accents that Hopkins doesn't have, would play the role, I don't know.

Overall, I'm glad I saw it but, unlike the three other Hopkins' "Lector films," this is one I won't add to my movie collection. However, at least I learned what the most tasty part of the human anatomy is, not that I would ever put that information to use!

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Watch Byzantium (2012) Online

Free download and watch Byzantium

Byzantium (2012)Byzantium (2012)
iMDB Rating: 6.5

Date Released : 31 May 2013

Genre : Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Thriller

Stars : Saoirse Ronan, Gemma Arterton, Sam Riley, Caleb Landry Jones

Movie Quality : BRrip

Format : MKV

Size : 870 MB

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Two mysterious women seek refuge in a run-down coastal resort. Clara meets lonely Noel, who provides shelter in his deserted guesthouse, Byzantium. Schoolgirl Eleanor befriends Frank and tells him their lethal secret. They were born 200 years ago and survive on human blood. As knowledge of their secret spreads, their past catches up on them with deathly consequence.

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Review :

For Fans Of good storytelling - Not For Dracula Fans

Really enjoyed this film although I was a bit lost for the first half hour or so as I was expecting something quite different than this film delivered however as the "Story" unfolds at a fairly slow pace you feel quite drawn to the two leading characters "Eleanor and Clara" and at this time I would like to mention I was quite impressed with the acting of these two ladies Saoirse Ronan and Gemma Arterton as compared to other films I have seen them in. This film is not easily compared to anything else that I can think of as it is not Quite a Horror film or really a Vampire film, but the thing I found I kept forgetting it was Just A Story and not "Real" as the film was very well presented in the quality of the acting and filming techniques gave it "Reality" feel. I am avoiding too much of the Detail as I believe you are better off not knowing too much about it, if you like a good quality film with a good story line that is not quite about Vampires. For those that may have the usual questions,the "Blood and Guts" are very minimal as is vision of any nudity.My best description is that it is a Love story of a parent for a child.I gave this an 8 as I feel it is a better film than the current rating suggests.......

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